Sunday, April 19, 2009

The inherent defects of Life

All rules, glory, and defects of life can be observed by looking at any of it's members. The most simple of these members are the simple and single celled basic life forms that science has investigated for more than a hundred years. The most simple forms of life in fact give us the best sources of deeper knowledge about the truths in all of our existence for we are all but a compication of the same building blocks.
In observation of any life form we see basic actions and drives.
1. the drive to live
2. the drive to grow
3. the drive to reproduce

We will discuss these basic tenents of life in much more detail in later postings. What I want to investigate now is what I believe the root cause of many problems in this current existence.
If a life form is to follow these three rules which it must then what shall it do in the eventual occurance of another life form blocking its ability to complete any of these tasks? What will happen is the other life form will become an enemy , an obsticle to the fulfilment of this life forms basic purpose. This other life form becomes a competitor for recousrces.
We look at te pride of a lion and how even this beast knows possession and is willing to kill to perserve the land he has claimed for his family to hunt and live.
We look at modern day capitalism and we see how it exists to provide order the chaotic allocation of seemingly limited resources and our competition which each other for these resources. To the point that, onw in order for captitalism to exists for the betterment of all, lack must be created in certain cases where it actually does not.
The reason for this is life basic impression that it is seperate from other life and that there are limited resorces available to it reaching its purpose.
Now why is life programmed witht his basic defect. It is my deduction that it is due to a lack of knowledge. Though we all came from one source in the great"big bang" matter and life had multiplied and grown apart. Pieces of the same original puzzle no longer recognize eachother and see eachother as seperate. 10th generation decendants of the same family do not genereally know of eachother and it is possible could end up on opposite sides of a war for resources (as all wars are)
The idea of the seperation of life is an illusion brought on by the illusion of time and space. We see our selves as seperate, therefor we believe we are seperate and are each others competions. This is event even down to lower life forms. In fact all life forms, as we all have the same beginings.

The second defect of life is the illusion of scarcity. In this infinit univeres it is impossible that everything does not exist infinetly. A plant can be planted and its seeds replanted into infinitum. There are maybe hundreds of undiscovered diamond mines on this planet and thousands of diamond planets in the univeres. Yet once again, because of the illusion of time and space we life forms are inherently disinged to believe in scarsity.

It is our duty as intelengent being to look past the illusions placed in front of us. Though they have served a purpose in the evolution of life, we must begin the process of trejoining the truth of the univeres which is infinit and eternity. only then will we see that we are all connected and infact one even beyond the cellular level. only then will we see that all of the needs we could ever have have already been met. It is up to use to pierce the viel of time and space and see the unity and abundance that we truly are.

Until then the effects of these defect will contiue to show in our modern "intelegnet "society. Let us explore why and how we must evolve.

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